Well here it is my first blog ever. 2011 I have decided is going to be a big year for me. I reached the age of 50 this month so it seemed like a good time to make some changes in my life. Recently I attended our social gathering of the Artists Network Bedfordshire during which the subject of blogging and its advantages were discussed. It seemed like a good way of increasing interest in my web site so I have decided to give it a go. I have read some blogs to give me an idea of what goes on, however if you want to know what I had for breakfast or many times I have visited the loo then this is probably not the blog for you.
I paint and have done for most of my life off and on. I have always had a burning ambition to become a great painter I know deep down that this is probably never going to happen and that If I am lucky enough to attain it, it will probably be like a lot of the great artists after I am dead and know nothing about it so why do I bother? The answer is simple I don’t know. I just have to paint. At the moment my greatest influences I would say are the Glasgow Boys. I worked in Scotland a few years ago and visited the Kelvingrove on quite a few occasions although at the time I was more interested in Rennie Mckintosh, but once inside the gallery it was hard not to notice the pure genius of the group and since then I have been a fan. I had hoped to go to the Royal Academy in London and see the exhibition that is running at the moment however work and life gets in the way so maybe next time.
I don’t know what else to add at the moment but I am sure that I will soon anybody who knows me will tell you that I never shut up so be warned!
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